What is Embodied Branding ~ an exciting conversation
What is embodied branding ~ A conversation with BrandSashka & Camille Barrios
What is embodied branding, why is embodiment important and how can you integrate it into your branding process?
An embodied practice like Movement Medicine is a very powerful way to reconnect to our bodies and find our ground, move through emotions and blocks and feel empowered by our choices. In my Brand coaching sessions I always apply a little bit of guided movement to access deep information and unblock any negative beliefs that might be blocking our visibility and expansion.
Why do I believe this is crucial in any branding journey?
While the mind is a wonderful thing, many times we let ourselves be run by our “monkey mind” where a constant chatter or negative beliefs and doubts run the show.
By accessing our body movement and “putting our mind in our feet” as Gabrielle Roth (5Rhythms founder) used to say, we access a deeper inner listening and body wisdom. We move through acceptance and action in an aligned way to empower our brand.
Visibility often can be quite challenging and finding a supportive practice that offers you freedom and trust is crucial. When the body reclaims it’s natural movement we step into our own inner authority and this brings a deeper trust in ourselves and our choices. Empowering as well our business choices and our branding process.
Embodiment has given me this gift, a way to authentically begin to see myself. And this is the very first step: How do we see ourselves truly? How can we send out an aligned message to our audience if we feel we are not completely ourselves? How do we quiet our mind and actually listen to what want to emerge?
Curious to find out if this is for you? Hop over to the YouTube video below (20 mins) and find out if this resonates with you.
Remember I always offer a free discovery 60 minute call, so do get in touch if interested.
And I also recommend checking out BrandSashka’s Future Froward Hub Podcast for juicy branding, marketing and growth hacking resources. I have worked with her and really enjoy her energy and find her support and energy exciting & invaluable.